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Creative Explorations in Screen-Based and Physical Computing

DGMD E-15, Spring 2016


  1. Talking to other computers (i.e. servers)
  2. Sharing out Tim's (server-based) project
  3. Break
  4. Open studio time for:
    • Answering milestone questions in your journal.
      1. What did you accomplish during today's session?
      2. What do you plan to do before next week's session?
      3. What can we do to support you?
    • Talking to servers
    • Building your project

Talking to other computers

How computers talk to each other


< break >

Open studio time for:

  • Building things with HTML/CSS/JS
  • Spec'ing and mocking up your project
  • Post milestone questions in your journal
    1. What did you accomplish during today's session?
    2. What do you plan to do before next week's session?
    3. What can we do to support you?

For next session

  1. Come in with some version of a functional demo/presentation on Monday to share-out/test with a partner.
  2. Make sure we have up-to-date links to your journal and your /people card, if we haven't received them from you yet.
  3. Answer the usual questions for your project in your journal:
    1. What did you accomplish today?
    2. What do you aim to have done by next session?
    3. What can we (the teaching team) do to help?
  4. If you get stuck, submit a Code Snippet Request or get in touch on Slack if you have any trouble!

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