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Creative Explorations in Screen-Based and Physical Computing

DGMD E-15, Spring 2016


  1. Putting code in weird places.
  2. Taking a look at Reveal.js.
  3. Break.
  4. Open studio time for:
    • Getting set up with Reveal.js
    • Preparing your demo and/or presentation for next week.
    • Answering milestone questions in your journal.
      1. What did you accomplish during today's session?
      2. What do you plan to do before next week's session?
      3. What can we do to support you?

Coding in weird places.

Gift-giving & card-making.

Book publishing.


Photoshop scripting & general image editting.

Fixing frozen computers.

drutil eject external

Ze Frank's Ugly MySpace Competition


Partner presentation
discussions & mock-ups.

  1. What is the arc of the story you plan to share?
  2. What—if any—slides or visuals do you still need to make?
  3. What—if any—technical pieces of your project do you still need to get working for your demo?
  4. Is your project deployed online somewhere? If no, how/where will it be deployed? Do you already know how to do this?
  5. Post your answers to these questions, along with any other notes and sketches you make, in your journal.

< break >

Open studio time for:

  1. Getting set up with Reveal.js
  2. Preparing your demo and/or presentation for next week.
  3. Answering milestone questions in your journal.
    1. What did you accomplish during today's session?
    2. What do you plan to do before next week's session?
    3. What can we do to support you?

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