- So, what can we actually make with physical computing?
- Workshopping Laura's project
- Break
- Open studio time for:
- Exploring the Arduino & physical computing with Alec
- Building things with HTML/CSS/JS with Shaunalynn
- Spec'ing and mocking up your project with Molly & Bakhtiar
So, what can you actually make, in a few months, as a beginner, that's physical?
Specifying Your Projects
When is it specific enough?
Open Studio Time
- Exploring the Arduino & physical computing with Alec
- Building things on the screen from scratch with Shaunalynn
- Expanding on your project's mockup & spec with Molly & Bakhtiar
Arduino Demo Materials
For next session
- In your journal, answer these questions:
- What did you accomplish today?
- What do you aim to have done by next session?
- What can we (the teaching team) do to help
- Work to actually accomplish the goal you set for yourself.
- If you get stuck, submit a Code Snippet Request or get in touch on Slack if you have any trouble!