Detroit, MI
one minute pomes #1
sit tight. give me fifteen.
fifteen-hour lifetimes
by the thousands
i almost didn't accept
true community
before you
in all shades of gray
& the holes of arlington
i am with us
re: one minute pomes #1
the taxi was shared three-ways between
me, the tuba, and the driver who said
he found god in two places:
music and the smile of his son
I think the sex of Detroit is actually
texture porn, even the smells are tactile
and, if here, I think you'd lose your mind
in your dick in your hand in your nose in
your mouth remains
as real to me as all
the broken windows
one minute pomes #2-3
so much depends upon
broken glass in tall grass
& the spaces in between
like burning perimeter stakes
guarding old detroit house holes
waiting on robocop
anyone in a three-way with
you & your horn
will quickly invoke
a deity
the places where your clothes lip your body
(sometimes pulled by the strap)
are like pubic shorelines
that feathering rivers thread
i have buried my i
in the thousand highway wildflowers
of your hair
re: one minute pomes #2-3
the king of small flowers is
full grown in Detroit where
the sidewalk cement is
creamed butter and sugar is
stone shards roughly cleaved is
crumbs of white bread felled
by tool and smooth hand.
when small flowers get big
and reach hands feet upwards
towards the urban sun, feet fall.
my i is buried in a thing you said once years ago, when we were still just two humans lovingly aloof
beneath the tiny bumps on your back which i have laid hands on but never eyes upon
with the things i didn't say and haven't still because the time passed and my mind forgot
in the pores of the skin along your collarbone, some, and the rest pressed by tongue and tastebud into the soft
space between your upper lip and the boundary between tooth and gum
it has been scattered by chance and notchance, god and notgod to places from which i hope never to retrieve it

one minute pome #4
from days of awkward boys
running with water pistols
through dirt hills too alive
with lusty brown bugs to ever
trust again
of snow delays
playing empire strikes back
deep in the barren ice field
certain that a tauntaun
would come
of girls & women
who always fucking blinked
who made eyes but not pomes
made gestures & rules & beds & death letters
but not eternalities not jumping always into
freak beams
of the dead
of endless aisles of print & sound & screens & fields of learning how to fit
of travels & inner space
of kicking against the pricks
of absolute now
when my whole history all
rampant i's spinning & enfolding fall
like stained nail clippings in some oily
mixture that reads: all just proving ground
for her
re: one minute pome #4
all brave heretics, heel!
imaginary creatures, dead lovers,
all! friends of the mission, foes
of the status quo! imaginative
reconceivers and loud, lost
undertakers! every man without
breath or against all odds!
there is a beard with three hands
and a smile like a Great Lake! with
a lost look that skims the surface when the
love organ takes hold! when the
exaltation of lock-step heart-breath
opens lungs like a bellows stoking
the flames! like a goddamn arson!
soul-stroking lip-licking brain-borrower,
come! hold every part just so and no
thing just because! be free with every
find the lost bits and bear witness! like a
missing kitten, tongue the milk becoming
warm like wet tissues in the afternoon sun!
re: re: one minute pome #4
i woke from a dead sleep at exactly 1:16am
this morning
& checked my silent phone. a night!
another lifetime lived! another granular wind rushed over water into
my eyes
onto my nodules
from seepages
from undercurrent swarths
from far off shores
unseen until your perfect wrists
streamed the wake forth
Clifftop, WV
i fall on my knees
i like rode C's perfect bike
for 22 miles today
mostly in the rain
to see the kids
boy's bike
lightweight hybrid
seat adjusted
perfect like your
wrists & brain &
& a heap of other parts
(my god your parts)
it was like
running barefoot
tasting metallic ice
like knowing you even more
but like 11 miles in
leaving my old house
shaking my head
i found myself
down the steepest straightdown road's end
headed for a barrier
in the wetness i bit
smash drag smash hashtag
& my elbow &
your favorite back part
absorbed the pound
luckily it scraped off
like 17 mosquito bites
but the ecstasy
remained intact
& the first thought that came to me
after i fell on my knees from faint
below the sidewalk
was your
deep reservoir of the unspoken
like ten thousand bits of kindness
done without voice
like waves that know
no shore
i love you.
imagine the tragedy
imagine the tragedy of light at dusk filtered through
thirty seven billion leavesoblong, cordate, reniform,
asymmetricaluntil the moment the sunset comes
hard and orange and glowing in one ecstatic now
through the cool, humid wood with water like air and
air like water and you not there to bear witness
imagine the tragedy of fireflies like floaters in the
eyes' periphery, like glaucoma and god and green
like there is no tomorrowor at least there might
not beand this erratic glow is all there is or ever
was, save you, of course, forever and ever, amen
imagine the tragedy of the banjo strummed and
frailed like a locomotive, from all directions, at
all hours, and for all definitions of 'good,' to ten
thousand tunes and each giving way to the next
as one barefoot to another pass along the path
home to a tent still wet with the presence of you
i don't miss you; it's just
i wish you could know
the sawing serenades of the cicada trapped between the rainflap and the roof
the scratchy sound of soul in bowed horse hair rubbed over ribbed steel
the wet squelch of last nights rain bubbled up between bare toes like mud and molasses
the sound of a gospel chorus swelling as the thunder approaches and the battle to be heard against god comes in a dead tie
or even just the memory of every piece of you on every breath
sometimes when you're loud
sometimes when you're loud
when you're on a rant & ecstatic
& go duffy go
your hands thrust to a splay
wrists like mothwings diffracting light
innercheeks gathering foam
like bends of a stormswelled city glen
i think about deserve
sometimes when you're loud
i feel like all the unused rooms
of the swollen houses in arlington
will finally be filled with the right stuff
enclosures mortally pierced
denials gusted from their black undusted
sticking places & jellyfish housewomen
will drop their flummery & not scream
will run full speed towards walls
will burn footlockers of their sinful knickknackery
will begin latching themselves to the readyline
of peripatetic ritual
sometimes when you're loud
spheres of knowing collapse into
one plane of knowing & all
the unordained particles & molecular s
ubstructures & trillions upon
trillions of random disconnected constructs
start to simmer the fuck down
like the porcelain fat that eventually gathers
on the bottoms of prepared meats
until samesies
sometimes when you're loud
all those colliding caravans of
smashing infinities beyond human count
create a place context time reality way on a plane
when randomness stops
when deserve begins
when symbols die & fences uproot
when faces are in charge again
when there is no trajedy
when the shifting meanings & thickets of experience
seize me bit upon bit
sometimes when you're loud
the world just slips screaming down a muddy crevasse &
i look around for the commotion but
the only thing i can see is the quiet you
the sounds of your back freckles &
the brush of your hairbun
the taste of your lips & mouth
like some sweet tisane steeped perfectly
in a universe of deserve
when i am with you i want
to crush you: palms to ears, arms wrapped round ribs, head to toes
to blind you: scooping your eyes out with long spoons, served up as tiny portions on large plates
to memorize you: fingers tracing lines from mole to mark like skinbound constellations
to eat you: good thing i never sharpened the incisors
to follow you: every scene experience person machination love of your 37 years is a path to knowing
to know you: is to love you
to breathe you: the regions of scent across the map of your body is a new kind of cartography
to punch you: just once, with abandon
to lift you: over my shoulder, in my hands, on my back, whichever way to share the lightness of being you bring
to enter you: through the mouth, the chest, the back, the bald space directly behind the ears, the ears, the eyelids half closed and fluttering, the belly, the recess made below the ribs when lying on the right side, in bits through the space between atoms, conceptually, intellectually, artistically, all
i want to ride with you
i want to ride a shaky bicycle
spokes rattling wrists crackling
through steep burrowing drops
deep into new hampshire byways
where memory waits
i want to ride with you
so fast so free wheels bursting
into wildflower cuneiform meadows
cobbled with lively stones &
screaming pink puffers
i want to ride with you
right over the side of mass ave bridge
clapping hands on our faces
falling back as to a picnic blanket
in goddamned ecstacy
i want to ride with you
until far from now when i am taken
not-taken into the nothingness void
where i won't be able to know
you ever again
i want to ride with you
til we reach such a place of awareness
that no other synonyms for god
could maintain in the space of
our shared lifewish
i want to ride with you
because there is no fucking way
these feelings this constant
sleepkicking could ever be typed
into just words
on a certain timescale
on a cosmic timescale
you are less than a blink
you are approximating
nothing, an almost infinite
number of zeroes following
the decimal point like
space rocks circling
dust and debris, the detritus
of genesis like, "let there be..."
on a cardiovascular timescale
you are the million heartbeats
an organism gets before it
dies, tissues left to fungal
decay, eyes eaten from
the sockets by still-hungry
maggots and ok, yes,
I know I am prone to fits
of exaggeration but you are
brand new, every idea I had
I've tossed aside and now
there is only the real
exempli gratia:
I used to think, I should assume
some level of asynchronous
in love but when you spoke
the unspoken rule about
freedom and me, I just about
died right there, sitting silent
in the passenger seat
our mantramission starting
sprout was "to help people
define their own standards
of happiness and pursue them
unfettered" I almost got it
tattooed on my body until
I decided never to put a word
on my skin, since language is
mediated meaning, a representation
of the real, but not the real itself
id est:
I used to think, I can only know
one thing in relation to another
but no thing truly on its own
some metaphysical manifestation
of neuroplasticity, like we are all
just walking on the eraser
of a giant's scribbling pencil
wind a frustrated sigh, but you
are a meteor come down
in the middle of my meadow
as if all ignorance
really does toboggan
into know
I used to think, I fall in love
slowly, taking my time
savoring each piece, like
Mary Maclane proclaiming
"go hang yourself, you
who have never been
comfortably seated and
eating an olive" but with you
I knew in an instant, like
ramen or coffee's crystalline
lattice or immediate and
complete death by dfw's
absolute ultimate and
complete video rental
on a more correct timescale
there is just now and no
crossreferencing, only a point,
compressed from the line,
moving through space and time
which I can only hope will pass
through bicycles beds train
pressed pennies ghettoized
records horror movies in the
rain on Sunday afternoons
cassavetes lathecuts western
mass catholic mass rye berries
early morning face flush floss
sharing toothbrushes walking
barefoot up rocky riverbeds
moving and packing all eggs
banjo brine north carolina
moms dads melting smiles and
shoulder shudders and at least
a million more goodbyes
from which each time
you leave me throbbing
is a funny word
like a deathpattern a concrete rut a coerced memory
built to flatter some flubby occupant
who prefers the lie but
i read a friend's writing or almost anyone's &
wrestling ensues & i want to rip words & break
sections like a red pipe wrench
scotching windshields
when someone hands me music
twenty years into this blackhole it can't
happen that i'm then adrift seeing all stars
and no shorelines
when someone projects a future
an invasion starts & that species
shortly grows overtop what's good & smothers the
small animals first
the better i get to know someone
the less i want to know them my temples
don't want to explode with joy 273
x a day
when i ask a person about about job (alone but almost
on a stage) i don't compulsively reach to
their shoulders nor feel a resulting shutter
in us both
i don't have someone's maybe flossed teeth
burned into my purpose like an unfunded mandate
with deep roots planted beneath pedals like
a joe brainard
normally i'm not willing to admit anything
normally i don't i'm not i won't poet
normally my red spots go unnoticed
normally i don't think everything someone says will
be written out in some future faraway gospel
normally i'm not destroyed each time i get an
email poem look smile touch scent from or
half glance at a woman but i guess
normally just doesn't apply to the good
witch of somerville
you versus corpse plant
at the edge of Pittsburg,
we left continental humid
for subtropical regional--
climate change by number by
geography by latitude
and degree
the subtropics seem untamed,
like jungles with no needles or soil
acid, where moisture condenses--
suspended in air, rising like
balloons not tied by mothers
to toddlers' tiny wrists
wild rhododendrons seem farcical,
like feral tulips or rowdy rosebushes
who by any other name are still
roses! are roses! are a sweet
smelling obligation the woods
doesn't owe anyone
the lichen seem sensual,
like moist, fleshy folds against
rock faces, but I was wrong--
we don't kill them by the touch
of our oils, though they do grow
just one tiny millimeter each year
the gorges seem infinite,
like an embrace of soilflesh
along every meridian of all-earth--
if I could choose only one organism
for symbiosis, you are no contest,
even if you versus corpse plant
first thought pome
when it was chilly
last night i reached
for you
the miscast line
everything i say i forget
everything you say
will be written out
of future gospels
the four seconds i lost today
when rashied ali drummed
speeding through the finishline way way beyond the applause
on ogunde at john coltrane's last recorded show april 23rd 1967 his rolls
like vietnam machineguns
like world trade center fire jumpers
like a massed chittering subterranean armadillidiidae conglobation
i forgot you for a second
when AP stamped
tantrum feet right left right left right left
at 7:28 a.m. malden massachusetts 02148 like
prayer for more words
prayer for “god help us if we attain”
prayer for parthenogenic voodoo rainbeams & also more fingerbooks please
i forgot you for a second
when a human twirlybirded
arms out spinning spinning preparing to helicopter away & his head crashed
curbside boylston st copley sq boston under slow slow police *
just trying to go higher than before
just ignoring pedestrians placed like thoughtless words like hitchcock's birds
just searching god through collapsing guitar overload fast circle skyscribbles
i forgot you for a second
when david e's yacht
blue & white named chopin goaded me gently in the sun amid bauhaus-selfies
boston harborside oppo our trimmed sunset eastie dreamboy jetty
while somehow he napped
while somehow televised united nations inspectors cried for gaza
while somehow can's mushroom assailed from a nearby oceanborn egopod
i somehow forgot you for a second
* sebastian (“ze wife of richard dreyfus...she her has own problems”)
visiting from paris said, "should we call CBS news?"
you said
just this morning in a poem that
you forget everything you say, but lucky
for you & Every Fucking Human
that I remember it allor mostlike daisy dukes
and carney and radical personhood and
scenes, zones, spaces, places which all together
with the unspoken have become my atlas to existence
in a sitting position at South Station and again,
in another way, in another poem, that you are a new
you with me & Jesus Fucking Christ
me too, I mean, I can't be sure, but I think
you're in love with the me I aspire to be and that
is just magic upon magic, like I can share all the things
and still can't wait to see where the tension comes
in an email to which I never responded
that Market Basket people are
your people & George Fucking Bailey
but the concept of My People was loaded
for me, cocked and pulled like maybe
I was missing out on something essentially human
until you made culture and community distinct
that someday this will be normal as if
any new state we entered into might be
less than now & K Fucking P
just imagine how thrilling normal will
become with us in it, how very fresh
and new with sick, dope samesies
crunk on the high we induce in eachother
mid night pome
each day
i like like you more
than before
I love you
Since I left, the poem
I want to send each day
has not changed.
It goes the same way,
but I embellish it a little
here, a little there.
Starting from the same
base, the words flex and
flow, becoming others.
The original goes something
like, "I love/you I love you I/love
you" but still I embellish.
waking together
my neighbors must know
how back in boston both
my muscles & molecules
roused themselves
remotely & unknowing
to accompany your early morning
tantrums & shoe tyings
across towns & now states
when just knowing is
everything & nearly enough
my intended love pome today
were pushed shoved into several other forms
most specifically
when A's looks & tones
shifted to themes undeniable
when at the closing house
her head rested on
my collar in front of an anna lindemannnnn polaroid
her hand rested on
my back a little too long
her eyes rested on
my eyes like days gone bye
my intended love pome today
of words placed just so
on keyboards here & there
to respond to your gooseflesh MAGIC
need to be replaced
by time for noodles time for drink
so i could tell our secret
to someone that really didn't want to hear someone
that had put on a fresh & new dress
that maintained grace
& a straight face through – well
i won't speculate the maximum but
through at minimum hearing that
yet another person is deep off
the market after no time on it
& she is five years in
she is fucking
five years
now three know:
C the other day said
we all knew
when you would talk about her
even back when she first started
did you hear what she said?!
i would look at A and
he would shake his head
we just knew that you were
in love with her
K the other day said
you're an idiot
A just today said
after smart warnings of carrying
baggage & keeping close watches
on things & making sure alone
time was happening & masking sadness
behind telling the right truth
A just today said
she knew this was coming
because of how we are
around one another
A just today said
i really think the two of you
without question
were meant to be together
midnight stroke & I am key stroke sending priceless poems through the starfilled sky.
three & I curl fetal and shivering into sleeping bag pod with cheek to chuckanucka and eyes to screen, sent to sleep by a brief burst of latenight love.
six & banjos raise the sun like roosters with a swelling sound throbbing like three years' yearning bottled again so three days seems like nothing or everything or maybe just three days.
nine & a man from Florida pours me coffee, which you never drink, god bless your every bit, but for me is ritual, hedonism, dunkins, warmth.
twelve & I fall into sleep depinduced hysteria and spite with Peter, laughing til tears about the vapid souls who play so many meaningless notes with Buchak saying, "Without a personal quest, you learn the skills without the why," and I think, "KP!"
three & Beadle leads me through the same woods I've come to know alone each morning and finally to a new frigid pool whose submersion pulls the breath from the lungs like death or a dead punch or maybe just a cold, cold wind, him placing me just so beneath the falls to feel the looknohandsjustwater massage.
six & on the elated hike back this same boy from Birmingham with the whooping holler, dancing legs, fiddle fingers, curlyearlygreying beard says, "You know, I'm trying to let go of expectations which seem to be, like, the source of all suffering," and I think again, "KPR!"
nine & square dancing and bodies and hands and spinning, stopping, stomping, jumping, smiling, twirling and face flush, sweat, fiddles and loud calls, eye contact of every variety, an ecstatic, collective body high, sure, but I remember the high of just laying eyes so let's get real, P.
midnight again & our harmonies legit hit heaven, touching the stars in ways that make the reserved blush and the alive come, touched by the vibrations of voices originating at the ridgeline from mouths sharing food and whiskey and ancient words of love, death, murder, chickens, trains, god, but actually, somehow, each one turns out to be about you.
just now pome
this feels
like we will never
stop happening
pome poem
because the way you say
pome is it's own sweet song
an as-i-lay-in-bed poem
in my universe of deserve
I wonder why I
am the lucky bitch
to whom you said
meet me at the pond
so I can kiss you
rather than I'm sorry
& any other thing
on your pillow
as i rest on your pillow
having just awoken from a most
amazing dream mare
about being pranked by you
four minutes that felt like
four hours i cannot shake
like i cannot shake
when i first walked up
to the pond when
you stood backlit &
came in close
after a hug i
touched your back
like a coda
& you gave a rapid
glance like a microshudder
of expectation or
that look alone was
a dream
i will not shake
this is how
the first person to hire me in boston
who refused to read ezra pound because antisemite
who gave up a law practice to start a jazz record store in 1978
whose nosehairs could catch dismember & consume flies
who at the first classical concert of his life
following decade upon decade of jazz shows
stood & jumped & applauded & yelped after being
particularly impressed with a midpiece massed crescendo
his thirty year girlfriend librarian trying to stop him
the rest of the hall perfunctorily silent
audience & even performers
shaking their heads
this is how i love you
i needed to learn how to be happy
there was a child went forth every day
how to jump with arms
how to be eyes alive
how to read with lips & voice that it was a choice
one after another after another
danny's attempt
started while confused in love at a party & how couldn't he be behind
twenty beers a dozen mixed shots two michelles
he punched me punched brick walls & when we shoehorned him
into a backseat punched black vinyl & punched our heads & kicked
windows & screamed the unspeakable until
on arrival he passed out & we absconded
bj the fourteen year old man cried like a fourteen year old
locked out on a deck we heard the car door slam
down & around we ran through branches gravel doors rooms up stairs
tackling him shotgun in mouth shells falling barrels silent silent
we hugged our hysterical brother tightly for hours
through the night
this is how i love you
i needed to learn long ago how to bike
shimmy shimmy coco pop shimmy shimmy ra
but now it has been made new again riding down steep hills
riding in midnight city potholes
riding on thunderdown faded whites that it was a choice
one after another after another
hawaii 1994
want to say february junior year
day ten or eleven booked a helicopter so we could
vibrate loudly over volcanoes
vibrate loudly like magnum p.i.
vibrate loudly over igneous boulders that transformed toddler drew into hercules
when we landed for fuel on some other island &
the second family's hidden infant pulled from under mother's shirt
suckling to help calm the violent vibrations
had suffocated to absolute still death blue & purple & no pink
my stepmom performed cardiopulmonary code sande intaking & spitting out
breastmilk like gray thrush pus after each pump she
would not yield
this is how i love you
i needed to learn long ago how to love
if tomorrow wasn't such a long time i would lie in my bed once again
pining for A veiga whose father was a mailman pining for some hairful beat beauty
pining for one who would just know & accept
that it was a choice
one after another after another
clown christ
memory of some woodenbuilding religious camp in the evening
of which my dad has no recollection but stands one of my earliest
projected by camera onto a white bedsheet in front
of fifteen or thirty people in what maybe
was a short budget regional xian film definitely black & white
about a pointy white hatted & baggy white costumed
clown in clown nose that was a clear metaphor for christ
some kind of crying near a large nail cross
some kind of holy unchaplin sad christian conflation magic silent
but i remember the flitting tick ticking cinema & flowing sheet
folding chair audience the shimmering lights & like a
higher & lower fellini street march of no sound &
dancing flickering filaments
this is how i love you
i needed to learn you could exist three years ago
rolling apples fall like meteors of light
almost to the day but i am so so keen so dying
to see you
to see you in so many new lights situations shades scenarios responses
to see what else your faces do
to see you
to see you
to see you know how i love you
that it was a choice
one after another after another
74 today
first five minutes meeting C's
seventy four year old father bill:
have you met C's mother?
i call her the piranha
mean old bitch
you see my dog air?
twelve years old
big labs like at only live to be ten twelve
used to have a pit bull
i'll tell you why
C's mother is afraid to death ofm
so one day about december twelfth
C's mother decides to bring over some christmas presents for the kids
and i get a call about twelve minutes before she's set to arrive you see
i don't like that so i pick up a bottle of wine & a cigar about this big
& go sit out on the porch
when she pulls up she screams why do ya have that thing!
i say i bought this pit bull ta keep people i don't like off my lawn
well she rolled the winda down about that much
pushed all the presents through it
right out onto the driveway
& lit out
i sat right there with my dog
& my wine
& finished my cigar
actually, eight know
before leaving
for WV I told Kate, who is a deep-feeler like me and not at all like me, about you,
the ethereal other because my world has not had the pleasure of being
colonized by your you, meaning everyone is deeply deprived but also
that there will likely be no heart-break noodle-shares and the meetings will be mostly
uncomplicated expansions of loved one's worlds to make space for
the exaltation I have kept close-closeted and under-wraps for so long
I told her how I'd never first-kissed someone I was already busting-my-gut
in love with and about jetty-swagger vulnerability-boy on eastie piers, to which her eyes
widened and she said the exact phrase you'd used the day before, that
those with whom she 'saw the world with the same eyes' were the most
profound humans in her fold but that they always unfolded because they saw-same together but
also wept-yelled-raged-mistrusted-hurt-same and then eventually everything unraveled
in Detroit
Maggie and I were in bed together the moment I received a price-pome and
buried my head in my pillow like an ostrich in the sand and she also isn't
dumb so she heard the whole thing and is in love with the love
I have for you or
whatever it is she took from the tongues I spoke in my elated state
days before
when I told him, Alec, like a good friend and himself, asked what I loved about you and
after listening said, 'wow, shaunalynn, that sounds seriously special' and also, maybe-joking, 'not to be a downer,
but you told me you wanted to stay single for a while after Kevin'
while you
were in Paris, Rosalie and I ate mussels and drank wheat beers and talked about
Kevin-and-Edison and change, childhoods, loyalty, and obligation
I told her about the way people were everything or nothing to me, how
I was all-in or all-out and wasn't in the habit of hiding it how
I once told Aaron that if he ever got any capital-i ideas he had to fucking call me,
wake me from a dead sleep, in the middle of the night, get me fired, anything, I'd come
if he just said the word and the word became a no-reason-call so when
he'd call just to say, 'hey!' I'd jump-run-cab-t-fucking-freakbeam myself to his body and sometimes
he really was just saying hey and we'd look at eachother dumb and dry
I didn't tell her how we both knew it couldn't work if the moment really came and how I wonder
still if his last email was a noreasoncall I never returned, reading,
'Unfortunately the corn muffin situation in this city is pretty dreadful. Txt me when you get here?'
instead I went to the bathroom and came out and said, 'look-bitch,' and under
strictest confidence told her I was losing myself to the tide of your existence
and it was probably actually-nothing but it wasn't nothing-to-me
which of course she already knew and I told her how the last person
who asked me to take a silence had died first
and she said, 'just-wait'
before Paris,
I tentatively told my mom who gave me the three golden rules I told you
in a lookout tower: leave the wife-house, love the kids, trust the magic
two a.m.
my thumb
this screen
you are
almost asleep
that moment
almost fallen back asleep
after waking in a perfect dawn
but then some stretch or thrust
as bliss peace shoots towards
you at all the ends
leaving-coming poem
northward priceward
away from the land of
thumbs and screens
re: leaving-coming poem
come you traveler
come home to me
come exhausted & refreshed
come in on a wing & a prayer
i need you so!
let's blow kisses again
at whitey's blacklist
roll your tent so we might
roll our i's at the world
walk run ride from high on a mountain
burned by stars opened by clouds
across a thousand fields
& a dozen pluming highways
come with empty palms
come with burning hues
come with whatever is new
bring your songs of ages
bring your wrists eyes lips
bring your mud & dampness & marks & crackling fire smells
come as you are
just get here
home to me
you now pls!
you, yes you!
all you!
now you!
why not now you?
the one you!
the min and max you!
the all you!
why not yet you?
pls god pls, him!
him who?
fuq you!
the all him hot lot!
the one man!
the him for she!
her him!
her boo!
the him she put off for now!
the him she can not see how!
how can she see him?
how can she not see?
how can the man see?
let the two get one who!
hey, man!
why not you yet?
ask the god for ear and eye and toe!
ask the god for one man and two!
ask her god and his!
ask the all god for the all man now!
ask for her!
ask for him!
ask for our who!
ask now for our all own two!
Los Angeles, CA
before you left
i wrote this line before you even left
like i could get a head start on missing
like the tarmac ain't exactly the same
as Tijuana ain't exactly the same as
the tiny space ever present between
our closest molecules, repulsed by
the charge so nothing ever touches
like leaving space for the holy ghost
'til dad and Father have no tongues or
voices and Adam's apple just sit still
i wrote this line before you even left
like i could get a head start on leaving
like pulling away first would make the
space between us smaller so i could
see you in the crevasse or across the
ocean or along the vibrating wing of an
eventual two-way, transcontinental flight
like soon was more now than then was
i wrote this line before you even left
like i could get a head start on loving
like every polymer in my body, every
ounce of my being wouldn't be lobbing
pomes at you like punches and spittle
or kisses and headbutts and teaspoons
like i wasn't sure it was actually real and
in your absence might discover all feeling
evaporated into nothingness and i was
a walker wheezing sad sounds through
rotten teeth with no memory of the life
i once lived with arms and lips intact
i wrote this line before you even left
like i could get a head start on coming
back like there aren't laws governing
such things and i could talk my own
truth into being, bring you back before
your leaving, love the idea of your living
like i was hiding when i closed my eyes
and you couldn't see behind the lids
like i'd ever even want to not be seen
Adapted from Elegy for Neal Cassady by Allen Ginsberg (Feburary 10, 1968, 5 5:30 AM)
(nov.18, 2014, 11:30 am 12:00 pm gmt)
tender shaunalynn, thank you for touching me with tender hips
when you are happy & sad, with beautiful wrists,
such a pure touch it was hope surrendered,
you are today,
in the east, gentle & not gentle –
you showed me your endlessness/kindness/beginning three years ago
before we lay trembling at one another's breasts
arms around our necks,
– together in a cluttered room on 5 tennyson.
listening to gray aluminum lossy,
with eyes wide open
eternal redness of upper cheeks
lamped below fluttering lashes
at linda sharrock's teen screaming,
prophetic honk of cariñito,
bands chosen for names, slurf song
to zombie apocalypse –
the buildings're insubstantial
holy somerville vision
linus outside raindrop windows
where telephones are avoided & telephone poles are heaven
& since spy pond our perfect visions focuspulled
eternal ice cream parlor, is this our lives?
i could talk to you forever,
the pleasure inexhaustible,
discourse of all-you & all-me,
oh my stars
oh my god
i love you
my fist fight zone
you are my fist fight zone
my zone of absolute
totality and surprised red
spots on thighs calves
smalls of backs and
buttocks as if they were
two you are my one
and only no one else
exists you have colonized
my me my seeing my
memory my dreaming
my every moment spent
without you spent thinking
of you and every turn and
trinket of you like the thin
cream-colored spine scar
or the translucent beige
bump and its single hair
and then there is the all
every stubble of electric
fuzz under arms between
thighs over eyes you are
my manifestation being
blind-folded, blind-sided
deaf-dumb-blinded by
your miles upon miles
of smile dental floss and
head hairs held by water
drops in towel texture
let loose by brisk shaking
into downward drain which
one after another end to
end might circle the earth
entire except for everything
is energy and nothing is real
los angeles is nice, home of
how may we help??
1,000,000,000 year contracts
freeways like the arms of comic book villains
sounds of
d u d e, d u e l i n g b a n j o s
starting route to ven to ra boo le vard
(a woman in the lounge
hotel amarano burbank california studio 2014
sad her bracelet that electronically
tracks how active she is
doesn't celebrate her enough
her other app sings happy birthday)
it's my best friend
(a los angeles man
in logan softly explaining to his ex
wife that he is not able to stop their son
from his drunkenness
from his smashing of her property
from his theft & abuse
as his new wife sat beside him
without comment or expression)
he's 18.
i cannot help you.
i'm at the airport.
call the police.
he's 18.
no i cannot come over right now.
i don't have any answers for you.
call the police.
los angeles is nice but
take me to your mountains
new hampshire babbles
harley's GLGLGLGLGLing by
our legs throbbing
take me to your waters
1,000,000,000 mosquitos
3 + 10 + 20 years longing
for this us you
take me to your bed
gray purple white cum sheets
windowsill circles
icedwater rings
take me to sounds of
(your face
mine field of dimples
closing lashes washing wind
like soundblasts
over dunes
one foot on its ball
one hand on one hip
hot butter air)
you are a fucking douchebag
los angeles is nice
but you are my home
i love you
text poem #1
you are everything
except here
lollipops and ghosts
cheek bones and toes
I love every ounce of you
I love every breath
I love every crevice
I love each bit of flesh
eggplants and praying hands
explosions and starry spans
you are everywhere
except this
text poem #2
i stepped out of class to
write you
& this appeared from
"now" we are together
alone we are
we are
we are
i live you
i love you
all now
every forevery
there is the worst where
there is the worst where
there where the hills sing
& the smiles are forever
where your hips sit beside
open flames boxed banjos
& ugly dolls there on the
radio & in the classroom
by the phone & on your own
there is the worst where
there where time stretches
& time contracts where
the waters are warm &
the sun shines yellow not
winter grey steel on hard
top black where friends fly
like birds with magnet brains
there is the worst where
there where the air & the
land defer where your here
and mine deter there where
the turns of phrase are lady
slippers & the worst part's
how everyone's bested out
there where the all out west is
emi crying
the baby upstairs
is wailing
the futility of
life the pain
of being she
must know you
are away
silence now
she must have
found a doll
or a finger
or the whole
fucking world
text poem #3
funder speaks
car honks
clouds cast
teenagers teenage
you are the every all
center middle out
text poem #4
all you
every moment
every breath
i exalt you
every finger
every neck
text poem #5
i don't know what to say
anymore for anymore
are everything let
all fears drop away from
goodbye sunny coyotes
& face/off marijuana
pile yr hair & roll yr socks
i'm coming home to
Orlando, FL
i love you too
for KP with the large teeth:
when you leave my bed,
i wake.
when you leave the state,
i sleepwalk.
when you whisper into the atlantic,
i breathe your breath
back and forth forever and ever until sleep, death, comatose.
for C’s short man and his titanium rods:
when you sing under your breath without pitches,
i follow your melody.
when you squat on tendons and ankles with back exactly linear,
i am stiff with your bones.
when you roll your eyes three sixty and hide behind the lids,
i roll my eyes over your face
like tongues over popsicles, tooth enamel, thighs.
for chatty kathy chad and the piano man:
when you pick pomegranate seeds one at a time like guitar strings,
i wait for the flick of your finger.
when you pull the spoon from your lips with the finality of an aeroplane taking off,
i land with my wheels still up.
when you speak the tongues of your children,
i melt like ice cream over top
of fingers wrapped loosely round the base of a soggy cone.
for the rider of frogs and bunny totems:
when you lose your place in your own words,
i find myself.
when you draw the last human thread from a conversation like a heart string,
i want your all-you inside my all-me.
when you never say i love you too,
i love you i
love you i love you too too too.
double paned
in New England people go double paned for
purposes pragmatic, frugalic, because the
winter beats the goddamned door down and
the windows barely hold their salt, their weight, their
amorphous fluidics against the wintry mix. it's
like a man never breathed the white residue of
exhalation onto school bus rectangles nor then pressed
the butts of his hands against the wets of his mouths
to make feet, like babies pitter pattering, like Dali
up the walls and windows against rhyme, reason, gravity, time.
at forty thousand feet, however and needless to say,
it's about more than just money, more than the climate
deniers are willing to not not say, it's a simple matter
of life and death, where the alien ray shining through
those two glass sheets, the air trapped between
in a vacuum like space where no one can hear you
scream and even if they did, there were nine. minutes.
lost. between those panes, the stakes are higher, the
fall longer, the temperature lower, the what ifs not so
easily remedied by butt snuggles under blankets because
the comforters of the sky are cloud coffins, feather dusters
clearing out every cobweb and corner if I lost you.
love and marriage
The horizontal rain, bang bang,
and the buildings vertical, pow,
and the elderly men, then,
Southeast Asian beside motorcycles
and smoking cigarettes, leaned against
leather banana seats with mirrors
tilted and smoky breaths pooling in the
still heat. The dense clouds have
mass, their edges distinct, blown
slow against wind and breath both
moving more quickly, dragging their
feet, heels heavy, molecules slow
mixing at the edges, blurring
where the tar and taint meet,
where the rubber meets the road,
where you can't have one
without the other.
all night long
The long necked cranes' metal teeth break ground like tarama with truffle,
asphalt soft and shapely like the cityscape was meant to be molded
by machines, hard as steel, sheared like glass or granite, micah or quartz,
rosy behind the early morning haze, drifting south from Malaysia with love.
The chronic grinding sounds of progress move like clouds of dust
more or less here or there but present like a Zen master making manifest
the unity of all things, the duality of subject and object, the non-existent I.
The streams of cars like time-lapsed head lamps with wide right hands,
the multi-lane streets stretched arm upon arm to the concrete other side,
where the light blinks, where the fences break, where the sidewalks end,
where the pedestrian overpasses bloom and the underpasses hide below
nondescript signs hawking walking paths with felony record alternatives.
The city is all above and equally below, multi-tiered, high-rise, underground,
but mostly in malls, with shivering back drafts and patient, breathy steps.
The escalators move faster and stay flatter longer. The overcast skies squint
eyelids as if mirages lie in wait, making shady moments tense and furrowed
like the asymmetrical crevice of my true love's brow, one deep dent like
a magical scar, one line carved out whether angry, skeptical, or proud.
In a country whose national bird is a metal giraffe, a construction crane,
my heart's head, like an ostrich, snuggles into the sandy earth until the sun
rises, the world spins, the date line dances backward underfoot, until my
baby's babies run circles round the bed we sleep circles round all night long,
all night long, until the rising and setting of the sun return to the rote
rhythm of our rotating sphere, with the ebbing tides and circadian sundials,
and the cells screaming out to sleep all night long, all night long, all night