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Creative Explorations in Screen-Based and Physical Computing

DGMD E-15, Spring 2016


  1. Collecting ourselves for the end of the semester.
  2. Talking about objects and APIs.
  3. Break
  4. Open studio time for:
    • Answering milestone questions in your journal.
      1. What did you accomplish during today's session?
      2. What do you plan to do before next week's session?
      3. What can we do to support you?
    • Building with objects
    • Building with APIs
    • Building your project

Final presentations.

What to present?

  1. What was the arc and story of your project (technically and otherwise) throughout the program?
  2. What was your story throughout the arc of the program? What was hard? Easy? A surprise? How did you grow/shrink?
  3. Share where your project is now, and describe the next design iteration you'd like to pursue.
  4. Something else entirely…?

Circles & supernovas.

Sound, scapes, & sensory experience.

Partner brainstorm

  1. What materials do you still have to create, collect, or style for your final presentation?
  2. What do you hope your final demo will look like or do? / What work do you still have to do on your final project?
  3. What materials do you still need to post to your GitHub to share with us at the end of the course (per this timeline)?

< break >

More about programming.

Data & APIs.

Flickr | Wunderground

Objects & object orientation.

Circles | Traces | Orbits

Open studio time for:

  • Answering milestone questions in your journal.
    1. What did you accomplish during today's session?
    2. What do you plan to do before next week's session?
    3. What can we do to support you?
  • Building with objects
  • Building with APIs
  • Building your project

For next session

  1. Please keep in touch!! 💌 And never hesitate to ask to meet up or chat…

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